
TMNT- Easter euphoria

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It was going to be Easter soon and Mikey was seeing various displays and decorations in shops during their nightly run and hunt for the criminals.
Only a few times did they actually take part in the human holidays and this one had a lot of candy and various marshmallow treats that he liked to get.
The youngest ninja turtle couldn't really understand the eggs and rabbit meaning but he wanted to at least get his brothers into wanting to decorate just at least once. But where would he find the eggs? He already had water color paint and brushes at home.
Mikey was still full with doubts about eggs.
Why it was a RABBIT carrying the eggs? Donnie told him that rabbits were mammals... and mammals didn't lay eggs!
And again, why he saw on Internet and in the shops chocolate eggs? Who laid them, a chocolate chicken?
Many doubts and no one answered to him because a celebration like that wasn't important.
But Easter seemed funny, so he wanted to try it.

"No, Mikey."
"But Leo, I need your help getting the eggs, I need to paint them! I have paint, but no eggs!" The young exclaimed, agitated.
"We are not going to buy eggs just to let you play with them! Do you remember when you tried to make fried eggs? You let one slipping in a fissure of the wall and the whole shelter smelled of rotten eggs for days!"
"Daaaaw, it happened just once and you still reproach me over it! I need some eggs, Leo or we'll never celebrate a good Easter."
The leader tried to assume the perfect Vrkasana pose and meditate, but the younger brother kept annoying him. He sighed.
"For the nth time, Mikey. We are SHINTOISTS! We don't celebrate Christians festivities!" He patiently explained.
"Then mention me ONE shintoist funny festivity where I can eat a lot, paint and do a scavenger hunt so I can celebrate it!!!"
Leonardo rolled his dark eyes. "Donnie, carry him away before I get really mad!"
Mikey pouted, crossing his arms. "You aren't doing anything, you could help me instead of... what should you be, a lamppost?" He asked, tilting his head.
A muscle spasmed under the leader's eye. "I'm a tree."
"Well, you are green and brown, but honestly I wouldn't wish to be something used as toilet by a dog- IIIIIIIH!!!" He shrieked, running while the annoyed leader ran after him.  
"What is going on now?" Raphael growled seeing Mikey and Leo once again at it, he grabbed Leo while Mikey hid himself behind the fierce brother. "Will you two knock it off? I'm trying to work and you two are causing more noises than the bloody sewer does when the people watch football!" He snapped letting Leo go. "Go back to meditating or whatever, Mikey, bugger off before I hit you hard." He growled going back to his precious motorbike.
Donnie sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, he did miss it when they were sick: it was so silent.
"You are... working?" Leonardo looked surprised while Mikey took a look from the hiding place behind the couch and seemed happy and lively again.
"What are you doing, I want to know! If you are working on a new hip hop song I want to participate, I'm a great artist!"
Raphael looked at the key in his hand, at the old motorbike half disassembled and at the motor oil which stained the sheet on the floor and raised a brow.
Did he give the idea of someone who was working on a hip hop song, right now? Seriously?
"Both of you mind your own business." He said firmly moving away so he could work, putting his headphones back on he was making sure his gear was ready for combat while studying some images to see if he should make improved bodywork.
Mikey mumbled sneaking over peeking at him and Leo as well, Raph was growing annoyed now.
"Take them away before I become a serial killer!!!!"
"I leave, I leave, there is no need to be boorish!"
Donatello sighed when saw an annoyed Leonardo leaving. Then Mikey ran to him.
"Please, Donnie, help me collecting some eggs!"
"Eggs, again? For the third time? Mikey, do you remember what happened the last few times you got eggs? You make good food, yes, but you made so many messes!"
"I'm not cooking them, I'm coloring them for Easter, I want to decorate the place with color, pleaaaaaaaase!" Mikey begged. "Please."
The genius looked at him, unfazed. "And after you decorated them what will you do?"
"Well, we could organize an eggs scavenger hunt and..."
"Mikey. We live in the sewers." He patiently said. "Rats will steal them or worse, they will come close to our shelter and steal our supplies."
Michelangelo pouted. "Then invent a way to use eggs which won't stink!"
"You should waste... I mean spend your time in more important things, Michelangelo."
Mikey huffed. "I could keep the eggs just in the shelter so we will be able to find them all before they stink or similar!"
"Or you help me collecting eggs or you manage to LAY them yourself, genius!" He exclaimed stomping his foot while Donnie became red.
Him... lay eggs?
A moment later Mikey ran scared, hunted by a mad scientist with a giant blowtorch.

Escaping into the sewer, Michelangelo was safe for the time being and huffed.
"I will get eggs and I will decorate the place, you will see." He said walking away from their home to search for anything he could use to decorate, a few times he would listen to the voices from above talking about various things and he turned entering another chamber that was once part of the subway system, sitting down he was glad this place was warm, unaware he was close to something special.
He was going to get the skateboard he carried always like a backpack and try to cheer himself up with some acrobatics. He could use his small savings and get some normal eggs, which surely were less expensive than chocolate ones... but honestly he would like big eggs, so he wouldn't be able to lose them for long and would be beautiful once colored.
Mikey sighed, looking at the ceiling. "Who am I kidding? I will content even of quail eggs!"
He was going to toss a rock till he noticed something among the trash. It seemed a small pile, made with rags and newspapers, blinking he got up to see what it was in that strange pile.
"What in the world? Did the heavens bless me with eggs?!?" He happily asked seeing a pile of them. They were white and seemed winking at him.
"They must have got washed here after that hard rain we had a few days ago." Sniffing the air he raised a brow. "They don't stink... someone possibly lost them in the rain and the cold water helped them stay fresh?"
Mikey poked one with a finger. They were a bit bigger than chicken eggs, that was really a lucky day that they didn't break falling in the sewers.
Luckily there was that trash pile which softened the fall!
Happily Michelangelo collected them all. There were four dozens, he was really lucky!
It was going to be a wonderful Easter, he was sure!

"Donnie!!! Donnie! Look at what I've found!" Mikey happily broke in the genius' room.
A moment later he had to storm off because the brother was working on something very scientific and needed to be calm!
"Daaaaw, you are a party pooper!" He moaned, before looking for someone else who would appreciate his treasure!
"Raph! Raph! Look what I found!" He said hurrying over to him but once again he groaned seeing he was too busy to even talk to him, working out to be stronger against their fighting dummy. "Leo!" He sang and this was the last brother. "Poo...." Mikey huffed finding him in deep meditation with their father.
This was annoying but at least he had his eggs. "I will show'em later."
Michelangelo pouted, holding protective his treasure. They would be very surprised and glad that he decided to organize Easter once he would show them the pretty and painted eggs!
Happy he moved to his room and even put the sign on the handle: 'Do not disturb! Genius at work!'

It was a few hours later when Raphael was done with his work that he noticed that Mikey's room door was close and a sign was there, he had to laugh at that and moved away to get something to eat. It did however perk Leo's interest into what Mikey was up to in that room of his.
Approaching he knocked, "Mikey, you alright?"
"Eh? Yeah, I'm fine. Now go away, I'm losing my focus!"
Leonardo raised a brow. Focus? But if the little brother forgot about the beginning of his own phrase because he loved going off on a tangent!
"What are you doing in there?"
"Nothing of concern, I must keep my focus, now go away!"
Something was going on in there and Leo would find out, but how? Crouching down the keyhole was covered and he grunted at that.
He had another occasion finding out what the brother was doing a few hours later.
"It's lunchtime, we have your favorite pizza!" Donnie called for the little brother, who surprised them both replying: "Leave it out of the door, I'm focused now!"
"Is he sick again?" Raphael asked as he heard this, and joined the two brothers in front of the locked door. They all knew their little brother would never deny having pizza but this was like the time he was sick. Course he wanted something else but it was close, he didn't want to come out to eat!
"Sensei?!? Mikey refuses to leave his room and I suspect he is doing really strange things inside!" Donnie exclaimed while from the room the brother shrieked: "TATTLER!!!!"
"Something is really off with him." Raphael said to their father who sighed approaching them, "Rejecting to come out to eat and is doing something inside."
"Let me use my last invention, it will be really useful in case of massive ducts fall!" Donnie said, picking from his bag a strange dark and one-finger-thick pipe.
"Wow, Donnie, thank you. Now I'll sleep much better thinking that the ceiling can fall on my head!" Raph growled while he crossed his arms.
"And... I put this underneath the door..." the genius mumbled, moving the probe "and I'll be able to see what's Mikey is doing inside thank to the little camera on the tip. It's the same principle of the medical probes used for penetrating and exploring bodily cavities and-"
"Oh my God, Donnie!" Raph growled, putting both the hands on his face. "Now I'll dream to be probed by a four-eyes alien nerd!!!"
"Was it really necessary, Donnie?" Leonardo said, for once agreeing with his fierce brother. Jeez, that was...
"If learning new stuff annoys you so much then why are all you insisting to know what Michelangelo is doing inside his room?" The scientist huffed, still moving the probe.
The leader smirked. "Touché."
Moving the probe carefully they could see Mikey at his desk with the lamp close to himself, empty paint containers were close by. "Looks like he's painting something."
"Don't tell me he actually bought eggs." Raph growled, still shuddering from his wild imagination taking over him. "We told him to stop that foolishness!"
"Or he could be painting a picture and wants to be as detailed as possible." Leo pointed out. "Is there any way we can see more, Don?"
"Wait... I'm trying to see better, but he is at the desk and I can see well just his feet and ankles... oh my..."
"What, what do you see?" Leo asked, scared.
"He stole my favorite 'Wired' magazine and scribbled on it! I'll kill him!" Donnie growled, moving the probe.
"Alright, alright... yes, they are eggs."
"Eggs? Are you serious?" Raphael asked and Leo sighed a long groan, Mikey was told to not get any eggs and he disobeyed, now they had to get in there and do something about it before those eggs start to stink up the place. "Where's the key to his room?"
"What's going on? Did you upset your brother again?"
"It's not my fault sensei, it's Leonardo's!"
Splinter raised a brow as he reached the sons and just knocked at the door. "Michelangelo? There is chocolate cake for dessert."
"I'm coming immediately, sensei!" A very happy Mikey answered while the rat shrugged at the astonished sons.
"If pizza didn't work, this surely does. Now go to wash your hands, before our meal cools down."
"Not till we have a few firm words with him." Raph said as he saw a startled Mikey who opened the door seeing them and Donnie frantically trying to get his probe back which was stuck under his brother's foot.
"Why are you all outside my room?" He asked curiously.
"I was worried that you were sick again!" Leo exclaimed while the brother behind him kept tugging.
Raph grumpy said: "I wanted to know if I could eat your piece of....WHATTHEFUCK?!?"
Finally Donnie managed to get the probe... but tugging too much he made the fierce brother fall.
Leo was looking down at the two and Raph was close to tearing Donnie apart but the probe was on his face making him turn pale.
"Get... it... off me...!" He ordered darkly and Mikey chuckled closing the door behind himself, he wasn't going to let them see his surprise that was warming up from his desk light.
Leo huffed. "Mikey, I told you that you can't carry eggs here."
He pouted. "I just wanted to make our home look a bit prettier and cheerful."
Jeez, worse than a toddler. Leonardo brushed his nape. "If sensei is agree I'll help you, alright?" He grunted when the younger tackled him in a hug, rambling: "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUUUUUUU! I promise I'll do whatever you say for the next week and will borrow you my 'Die Hard' deluxe edition dvd."
Leonardo looked unaffected, the brother still grabbed at him like a koala bear.
"Actually that was mine."
"Really? Then I'll clean your room for one week, no, for TWO weeks!"
"The pizza is cooling down."
"We are coming sensei!" Leonardo exclaiming, slowly walking down with the happy Mikey still on him while Raphael walked very close to the banister to avoid Donnie and his mad scientist inventions.
They totally forgot to ask Mikey to switch the lamp of his room off.

The pizza was delicious and so was the little treat Michelangelo was given, they talked, laughed and spent a good time together, forgetting about the eggs that were painted in Mikey's room.
"Raph, you seem weird! What's wrong with ya?" Mikey asked cause Raphael was still giving an unhappy glare to Donnie who should have kept his mouth shut about the probe and the uses of it.
"But your face..."
"I always had this face." He grumpy said and Leonardo rolled his eyes.
"Yes, you born pissed off regardless the situation, OUCH!"
"Ops, my foot slipped."
The two stopped immediately and hurried to apologize, while Mikey was stuffing his face with cake.
So fulfilling, Mikey hurried to clean himself up so he could return to painting the lovely clutch of eggs he had in his room. He was close to finishing as well, they would soon be decorating the place in open locations so to not be lost like last time.
Meantime Donatello stretched, announcing that he was going to work on something new and didn't wish to be disturbed.
He sat at his desk with an energy drink and checked his computer, frowning when saw at least 10 messages from his friend Leatherhead...

"Aaand, this is my masterpiece!" Mikey happily said, blowing softly on the last egg before looking at them better in the lamp light. Those eggs were really colorful, beautiful and shining!
"You are too pretty to be hidden, probably I'll put you in the whole dojo to cheer my family up!"
Though they would start to rot and smell, that made him frown slightly looking at the eggs warming up by the light. "Maybe Donnie will let me on his computer to see how to make eggs stay away from smell like rot. Till then, I shall decorate!" He cheered happily planning carefully, getting up he hurried to collect a small box to put them all in to carry. "Sensei will love having a few in his room!"

"Donnie? What is it?" Leonardo asked as he just left the bathroom and was drying himself off with a towel.
"I had been chatting with Leatherhead in the last hour, he is out of his mind..." The scientist sighed, typing on the keyboard while a still soaking Raph joined and huffed when the elder brother gently rubbed his head with the towel.
"Hoh many times I told you to dry yourself off before leaving the bathroom, Rapphie? You don't want to get sick again, do you?"
Raphael pouted and mumbled something... but he would never admit that he liked when Leonardo helped him and even polished his shell to make it all smooth and shining.
"What's wrong with the alligator?" Raph asked while Donnie was rubbing his face, part of him wanted to get sick again, wanting to be spoiled rotten but at the same time he hated the crying. Donnie looked at him firmly and the other sighed.
"Fine, Leatherhead, what's wrong with Leatherhead? My dear brother of a geek."
"Someone stole his eggs and he thinks that the Foot clan did it to grow a new generation of mutant..."
"Wait wait wait! That guy had EGGS?!?" Raphael astonished asked, now getting scared.
Was it possible? Oh my God, they were mutant reptiles like him, were they going to-
"No, Raph. Females lay eggs." Donatello patiently explained. "He found somebody like us and they started a family together."
"And when you were going to tell us?!?" The leader exclaimed, shocked. They could ask him to introduce the new arrived to them, they could have a precious ally and...
He frowned when a doubt started tormenting him. "Wait. When did Leatherhead realize that his eggs missed?"
"A few hours ago, he left to find a computer piece and came back to check on them they were all gone." Donatello said looking at his brothers. "It was a clutch of eggs, he didn't find any tracks of anyone being there and they couldn't have been washed away either since the water level is low."
"And he believes the Foot stole them?" Raphael asked as Donnie shrugged, it could have been rats for all they knew.
"Who would be that stupid to steal eggs to an alliga-" The serious brother shut looked at the others and they both had their answer.
They all startled and hurried to run to their little brother's room, from where they heard that terrible scream.
A second later the three were fighting over the doorknob and finally managed to get inside seeing their brother on his bed looking at his desk where the eggs were. There they saw a little alligator's head hissing from a blue and orange egg, the other eggs which were trembling in their basket.
Michelangelo took a peek from behind the desk chair and looked astonished at the little Leatherhead junior which was rolling on the desk and chirped.
"Does this happen when the Easter rabbit and a chocolate chicken have kids?!?" He exclaimed, looking at his brothers while Donatello sighed and brushed his head.
A funny TMNT Easter collaboration with :icontheoracledragon: Enjoy! :heart:
Art inspired by this story! collaboration with Deskleaves- Munat
For more about TMNT look here…

We own just the story,  but we don’t own the characters, we are just fans.
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